l 主讲人:Dr. Andrea Da Ronch
l 邀请人:龚春林
l 时间:2019年8月19日,14:00
l 地点:必赢bwin中国唯一官方网站1号楼401
l 承办:空天飞行技术研究所
报告 1:Aerodynamic and aeroelastic uncertainty quantification
Abstract:The talk will discuss the sensitivity and uncertainty inherent to turbulence modelling and the impact on aerodynamic and aeroelastic predictions. The test case is a full-scale 3D unmanned aircraft configuration, and this is the first investigation in the open literature on a complex geometry and accounting for structural flexibility.
报告 2:Fast aircraft load calculations
Abstract:The talk overviews the achievements accomplished by a UK funded project and by Airbus. Achievements include a CPU time reduction up to 97% compared to state-of-the-art methods, and the first application of these methods to unsteady flow problems. Application examples include aerodynamic shape optimization, status aeroelastic analysis and steady and unsteady flows.
Dr. Andrea Da Ronch is an associate professor at the University of Southampton leading a group of 6 PhD students and 1 postdoc. His research activities include development of algorithms to bring high fidelity models to routine use in aircraft design process. His work has been cited 1000 times and the h-index is 16.